Help! I have been scammed!

I have been scammed, please help me!

HotScams Weekend Video Picks

Casino Roulette Scam

Car Stealing Scam

How to steal a car

Making Money Online Can Be Easy

While selling products and advertising are very legitimate methods for creating an income with the internet, most people dont even consider a much more effective method for making money on the internet, which is by selling their own services. Now s

Five Product Development Strategies For Recession Profits

Recession What on earth are you talking about

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Refund Scam Mail search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

OFT Issues Warning on Romance Scam search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Attraction Marketing Is Creating Bigtime Success

In order to understand Attraction Marketing, it would seem logical that one must first describe marketing. This could easily fill another article and there are literally hundreds of definitions in thousands of textbooks, articles and websites. Using

The Impact of MNEs

The United States is the home -country for the largest amounts of foreign licensing and direct investment. Therefore, its policies understandably arouse some of the major trade unions of such outward moments. One of these critics is organized labor,

Which Is Really The Best Browser For You?

The very best way to determine if some browser is the one for you is to download your personal copy and test it, since all are free. It only takes a few minutes and your new browser is up and running. If you choose to download Mozilla, you can get ad

Are All Autoresponder Leads the Same?

When choosing what kind of auto responder leads to purchase, keep in mind that the best price is not always the best option. You might pay twice as much or more for one type of lead over another, however if your ad pulls 3 or 4 times better with the

Google Ranking Keeps Website Owners on their Toes

Google for the longest time maintains the standards which website owners need to maintain in order to achieve maximum exposure though the search engines. I have often wondered how a website could be number one on MSN search but could not be found on

Safety While Shopping Online

Because online retailers do not have to maintain a store and pay rents, and only need to maintain a skeleton staff to run, they are able to offer lower prices. Another very good reason to consider online shopping is that the shop is always open; ther

Mystery Shopper Evaluator 2010 Version

According to our records, this should be a fake check scam. We have not heard about this for some time (probably our site scares them off). If you have an email with the above in the subject header, we don't recommend dealing with them.

How Blogs Keep You Updated On New Information

For most people with the internet, the local news just doesn't cut it for us anymore. We want personal, in depth stories that most local news broadcasts aren't willing to cover. Or maybe you like knowing what's going on locally but you hate having to

Scammers Targeting at Pedophiles

Scammers Targeting at Pedophiles

Job Scam: Fake Media Dimensions Inc. at search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Making Money Online Is Easier Than You Might Think

Making money online is largely about taking action. The more you sit back and wait for the "right time" the less you are actually out there making money. Making money online is again as difficult as making money off line the only difference is it nee

Job and Fake Check Scam: Fake Abingdon Cockell Limited search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Abandoned Infant Scams Store Clerk In Robbery

Susan was a mother of 2 who worked in a convenience store to make ends meet. She did not mind the work, except when she had to go to the restroom at night. She had to use the same restroom as the customers, which was detached from the main store. Mos

Yikes! Dangerous Liaison!

Has anyone received such an email? Did you ever replied? From: cindybaby4@rediffmail.comTo: hotscams@gmail.comHello My name is Cindy i saw your profile and love it i think we can clik so please i will like you to email me back through my email add

Product Review: SpamArrest

Product Review: SpamArrest

Greeting Card Scams Comes with Free Trojans

greet card scams with trojans

How To Start Your Own Internet Home Business With Free Traffic

The Net offers lots of free things, which are real powerhouses. So free does not mean bad or something second class, but it is really a standard in many business tools. In this article I want to help those newbies, who are thinking how to start your

Ten Times Ten: What Future for Oil Prices?

Ten dollars a barrel. That was the price oil fell to in 1998, just 10 years ago. In 2008, oil has been nine times higher, around $90 a barrel, and briefly skirted with $100 a barrel just a few weeks ago. What was unimaginable 10 years ago has happene

Current Government Crisis Issues With Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac

The government has seized control of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two large home mortgage companies Fannie Mae, also known as the Federal National Mortgage Association, and Freddie Mac, also known

Want An Easy And Low Cost Way To Make Money Online? Get Yourself A Blog

Many people who are new to the internet and want to start making money online face one common challenge which is a lack of money to get started. Starting an online business requires that you have a website, and it can be quite expensive to get a webs

Moving Scam

By Andrea F. SiegelSeated briefly before resuming last-minute packing, Connie Hansen waved at a stack of nine cartons of books in her bedroom. "We have probably another 100 boxes of books,"

Modeling Scam

Modeling Scam

Virus Scam: Do you like to find a girlfriend like me ? search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Your Keys to Earning Residual Income

Many successful online web master sellers bad mouth business opportunity systems, other than theirs, when promoting their own money making programs. This is a successful tactic, they have found, to use. They do it directly or indirectly and it has pr

Phone Swindling Scam

Phone Swindling Scam

Investigation of Online Puppy Scams

news on pet scams

Biological and Chemical Weapons In An Age of Terror

A history of terrorism requires a very specific definition to avoid a never-ending summary of every violent act ever recorded. The brief, objective definition proposed by Dr. Boaz Ganor, an Israeli political scientist and deputy dean of the Lauder Sc

Identity Theft: Ways To Protect Yourself

The actual number of people that become victims of identity theft has climbed dramatically. This is because thieves are find newer and more advanced ways to get your personal information. For example, you may have made a purchase online and now you h

Job Scam:

We saw this on our ad and decided to investigate by visiting the site (we typed in the web address on our browser). The page has been removed as we write, and the ads could be down soon.

David Blaine Joke

david blaine joke

Craigslist Fake Check Scam: When you get more than what you asked search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Internet Home Based Business Opportunity – Advantages of Your Own Business at Home

There are many companies that need experienced employees at an overwhelming rate every week. While many people are joining these corporations, there is also a very large number that is getting out of them. Millions of ordinary folks are discovering t

Fastest Track To MBA: Buy Your Degree and be a Professor for $210 USD search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

How Much Of Life Is A Scam?

Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I think I'm the "am" in my own "scam". Permanent makeup, cosmetic dentistry, colored hair - I call it the Walter Cronkite Syndrome. Men have character lines; women have wrinkles. Men age; women get old. I think Go

Building Marketing Network Today Faces Scrutiny

Several multilevel marketing opportunities exist today that can help those without a job help make ends meet, but they be overlooked due to past experiences with a network marketing plan or by news reports about the number of people ripped off by mul

Is this a Scam: HB Marketing Inc.

Firstly, I never trust any websites that wrote very long webpages which attempts to convince you why it is not a scam. This is a telltale sign that it is a scam indeed. We don't even have the patience to read through everything. So what is their stra

How To Avoid Home Business Scams

With more people looking for work online, some offering work opportunities at home are blurring the line between pyramid or Ponzi schemes and functional multilevel marketing programs. One key difference to keep in mind is that pyramid schemes are ill

Hot Scams – Yahoo Splash Promotions

419 scams, lottery scams, yahoo promotions, yahoo awards

The Basic Description of MLM or Network Marketing

MLM is known as multi-level marketing or network marketing. It is a scheme that is used to sell wholesale products or services through recruiting employees. Its really the method of selling the concept of the product or service and then having the p

Competitor Beats 2 With A Board

Charles was a 21 year old skate boarder in California. He is enjoys visiting the skateboard rings and practicing his moves. The tourneys were fierce competition. Charles was a good sportsman, but he hated too loose. Peter was his rival in most of the

The Day the Music Died – 911

Remember when the Berlin wall came down, and some of us had hoped for world peace? One by one, former Soviet Block countries became democracies and we all hoped for the best. The concept of democracy is difficult for anyone who has not lived in a fre

How Do You Define Success in Blogging?

Many people start off blogging without an end goal in mind. This is a recipe for failure and those same people eventually give up. However, blogging can be successful and rewarding if you start off on the right path. Whenever you embark on a project

IPod Scams on Craigslist

Someone informed: "Scammers are running an Ipod scam on Craigslist. They are selling IPod clones that will fail within a week. They will not replace these clones and reply to your calls. Do Not Buy from them! (Dee 919-519-2996 and Keyma 919-671-1463)

Online Business Is Still Growing

Online business is still in its infancy, especially when compared to centuries of "real world" trading, bartering and selling which has taken place. While ?real world? solutions will not fit every online business concern, both types of businesses bec

Queens, NY: 2 scammer-robbers target elderly wanted by police (corrected)

News Correction: These 2 guys are on the run and wanted by the police. Steve Demetro and John George preyed on the elderly folks, posed as utility workers to break into homes and steal from them.

Avoiding a Hostile Workplace: Fairness in Employee Discipline

The environment of your workplace is vital to employee satisfaction, reduction of turnover, and productivity. It is also vital to the legal stability of your business. A hostile work environment can be the basis for many types of employee complai

Top Trial Lawyer Reveals Critical Mistake Made In Your Business Structure INCREASES Exposure

San Antonio, Texas -- In a recent interview, top San Antonio Trial Attorney James Montgomery, was asked about his criticisms that appeared in an article in the American Journal of Business Planning, Critical Error Commonly Made in the Structure of Bu

American Antiques – Roman Swords, Greek Heroes, How America Comes Back Every Time

As well as the pressures and stresses in all our lives these days, it seems, we see news of worse elsewhere. Floods in Burma, millions displaced, aid refused, control by generals; in China, millions displaced, each mountain ringing some valleys colla

The New Iraq: Genocide of the Gentle

Of all the physical damage that has been done to Iraq, the greatest damage has been done to the culture itself. Iraq has lost much of her cultural capital. Cultural capital as evidenced in the arts, education, healthcare, science, social justice, e

The New Consumption Patterns

Contemporary economic models present the typical consumer as deliberative and highly forward-looking, not subject to impulsive behavior. Shopping for a product or a service is seen as an information-gathering exercise in which the buyers look for the

Is this a Scam: search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Peace is Not Paved With Violence

In a recent article, Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars writes, "When the United States declared war on Iraq in 2003 Nelson Mandela declared that the invasion should be "condemned in the strongest terms." The voices of such statesmen from around the world were n

Business Dress Code

Working in a stockroom can be a dirty job and someday you hope that your efforts will be noticed and you will get the chance to prove what you can with a promotion into a supervisors role. However, if supervisors watching the operation see everyone d

Dating Scam: “Annie Morgan” FAKE profile to try and scam your money!!! search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams

Domain Name Registration And Web Site Hosting For Newbies

Logging on to the Internet for the first time can be a very overwhelming experience for someone. When it comes time to register a domain name and find a web host, the new Internet surfer can become very confused with all of the offers thrown at them

Year Profit and HYIP

yearprofit HYIP scam

Scam Targeting Housing Renters

Scam Targeting Housing Renters on Craiglist

Funding Options for US Players

Since the passage of the unpopular Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA) many US online bingo players have been confused as to the legality of online bingo and the funding methods left available to them. Several of the major pl

What Is That Small Orange Icon Labeled RSS or XML?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) enables people to have the latest information delivered directly to them. This avoids having to visit sites every day looking for updates and instead allows you to see when websites have added new content that you are

Michael Izaghi of Ghana has a secret offer

Michael Izaghi.scam,scams,hot scams,419 scams

Irreversible Damage by Fraudulent Classified Ads

When it comes to seeking a reliable source for something, most people will turn to classified ads. The reason being these are placed categorically and those who know what they are searching for don't have to scour around all ads to find what they are

Are You Aware Of Adsense Click Fraud?

Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account terminated when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. Considering the money that they are getting from Adsense, they would certainly want to get back into it. Consideri

Is this a Scam: gmbeasyway or Google Money Elite?

Is this a Scam: gmbeasyway or Google Money Elite?

Textual Images of Iraq

In a recent article, Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars writes, "American citizens receive many images about the war/occupation in Iraq on a daily basis. These images are presented to citizens through various mediums in print, radio, and in television. These medi

Wake Up Democrats (Part 1)

For two of the past two Presidential elections, the Democrats have miserably failed to produce a viable candidate who could sway the entire United States. Instead of complaining about how bad the next three years will be, Democrats now have the oppor

Credit Card Scams: Encounters by a Pizzeria restaurant owner

Hi guys, we would like to share a scam by a visitor of our website (restaurant) owner, where she was nearly cheated in what we think is a credit card scam. Fortunately, she was quick to sense that there is something wrong here.

It’s All About The Money, Isn’t It

Advertising is a competitive field; there is no question about it. Having been in this industry for over twenty years, I have seen many changes: some good, some bad but the core basics of the business remain constant. What used to take weeks to accom

Healthy Lifestyles For Darfur more Likely after Steven Spielberg Shames China

Healthy lifestyles are not even on the horizon for millions around the earth, and nowhere is this situation worse than in Darur, Sudan, Africa. And now the world has witnessed a rare shaming of a nation as Steven Spielberg has just inflicted on Chi