
This website is a scam, the domain name abingdoncockell.com dropped some time in 2004, and has probably been scooped up by some scammer in 2008 for use in scam. its unlikely to be related to the original company that is based in the UK.

The email address (from) abingdoncockjobs.com also does not exist.

Below is the recent email, which is a fake job and will lead to a fake check scam (likely part of mystery shopper scam).

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Abingdon Cockell Limited <merrick@abingdoncockjobs.com>
Date: 2010/2/11
Subject: [GSN Suspected Spam] Job Advert


Abingdon Cockell Limited is a China based company that exports minerals,
chemicals and other goods & services for worldwide trade. We seek for
individuals who can establish a medium of getting to our customers in
America/Canada as well as making payments through you as our payment
officer. It is upon this note that we seek your assistance to stand
as our representative in your country.

For further information and to indicate your interest for the job offer,
please check our website by clickng on the link below;


If accepted, do send promptly by email the following details
to my company contact e-mail address: merrick@abingdoncockell.com

(1) Your full names,
(2) Full Contact address,
(3) Phone/fax numbers.
(4) Company name <if any>.
(5) Age/Sex.

Note that as our representative, you will receive a commission of 10%
on whatever amount you receive for the company.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Merrick R. Cockell.
Abingdon Cockell Limited.