Virus Scams and Alerts
Note that for virus scam reports, we may not publish all versions of the same type of emails that are distributed within a specific period of dates.
All emails with the similar but not exactly the same content, but with an attachment, could possibly contain the infected file. The recommended action is to delete these mails.
Do not go around tracing, “my email has a tracking number of 1234, is yours the same?”, “my email is dated Jan 15, is yours also the same date?”, etc. Be smart, scammers do not send repeatedly send the same mails using the same content. Remember, their objective is to break through the automated spam filters which follows “certain rules” of its maker to detect a spam. So the senders may change the content to penetrate the filtering mechanism.
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In 2006 Mexico averted what would have been a disaster for Mexico, the United States and Latin America. Felipe Calderon of the PAN party narrowly defeated Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador or AMLO of the PRD party in one of the closest and most amazing n
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There are several important legal factor groups to consider when getting into running a home business.
Like it or not, beyond our control, one of them is the legal field.
Did you know that there are also quite a few legalities you will need to k
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If you are buying a business from online listings, becareful of scams. The listing provider does not screen through all the postings of businesses for sale.
In one particular example, we found a website called "" with selling pric
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Annually, approximately ten million people have something very important stolen from them. It is not their car, it is not their child, and it is not their money: it's their identity. Identity theft is a crime that is on the rise and costing billions
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Identity Theft: New way to rob a bank
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There are templates available for web sites, web page headers and banners, navigation buttons, order buttons, and more.
Templates save time and money, and they can greatly improve the look of a web site. However, the improper use of templates can
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One of the frustrations that every representative of merchant services has is when they spend a great deal of time and effort into providing the best solution and best competitive prices for a merchant, especially when it relates to their credit card
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Invoice Scams
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In the shadow of the war in Iraq, America and her NATO allies continue to wage war against Al-Qaeda and the remaining Taliban in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan.
As with the war in Iraq, the media fails to mention any progress in the region
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Even those who don't use the internet have heard of ebay by now; and anyone interested in cars or vehicles of any kind should by now have heard of ebay motors. Just as Ebay made the weekly search of newspaper classified ads and free listings magazine
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ebay phishing scam July 2007
by Anti-Scammer | Virus Scams and Alerts search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams
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Watch out for Natwest Online Banking phishing email. For any email, always place the mouse over and see the actual web address. What you see on the page may not be where they are sending you.
Try clicking this link and see where you go: Click here to
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Green Prayer Cloth Miracles?
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Job Scam: Fake Costa Coffee Employment Offer
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Gold Dust Scam
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You may think that business ethics pertains to OTHER people. You learned good ethics at your mother's knee. Well, what did she tell you about conflicts of interest?
As a former Director, Ethics and Compliance for a $1.5B publicly traded organizati
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Is this a Scam: Cyberwize
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The crime of currency counterfeiting is once again on the rise and poses a potential serious threat not only to the nation's economy but world economy as well. For anybody who handles money in any way shape or form and who doesn't? -- becoming more
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The United States Secret Service was established in the 19th century at the end of the American Civil War to try to put an end to making counterfeit money when approximately one-third to one-half of all the currency flooding the nation's market was f
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The Internet is a wonderful place where users can find a great deal of information. However, many are not aware that the Internet is also where some savvy entrepreneurs can find lucrative business opportunities. Internet niche marketing is just one e
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How to protect your elderly folks from Scams
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Easy Scams on Ebay You Should Know About!
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Real or Fake Mobile Phone?
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moving house scams
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For every illegal activity that can be associated with a computer, there is a good chance that there are people who have created forensic files used to enforce a Cyber Law that will stop that illegal activity from occurring. Some of the forensic file
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Let's continue with more Democratic "hopefuls" for the 2008 Presidential election. None have announced that they will seek election, but don't be surprised if they do.
U.S. Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana: He is the Son of former U.S. Senator Birch Bay
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holiday scam video demo
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Why on earth would anyone want to do that? There are only 3 possible reasons:
1) Money
2) Fame/Fortune
3) Self Fulfilment
In my case, I publish ebooks for money - the number 1 motivation behind all ebooks on the internet today.
But do you even know
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As we know, paying for votes in presidential election is illegal. How about getting paid to promote an article or stories? We won't sell that, but this is what this website is doing for submitters at rating and recommendation has b
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How Might the 2008 Market Crash End?
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Findings on Spam and Scam Servers
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Not quite fun and interesting but nonetheless a fine summary of what we promote here...
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Today, more web sites focus on direct marketing, selling, and service than on any other type of electronic commerce.Website promotion and marketing has become a thriving industry on the Internet.In any successful marketing campaign, a target product,
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Affiliate marketing is probably the biggest business online. Some might say eBay is bigger, but eBay has an affiliate program, so even eBay is a part of affiliate marketing.
It seems these days everything under the sun comes with an affiliate progra
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Who does wish they could find a way to get rich quick with little to no investment risk? If you were to stand before a roomful of people and ask them this question, and then ask them to answer by raising their hands, would it surprise you to see the
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419 scam,fbi
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You wanted to have that second cup of coffee from your favorite mug and you will only be a few minutes late. Whats the big deal. It is a big deal to be late by five minutes or an hour. When you are late for work, every minute counts. Each minute miss
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Have you ever wanted to find out more about someone's past You probably thought about running an instant background check on them
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The Sign Says It All
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Is Gold a Good Investment?
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There are filters in place that control how you use the internet and many people are not aware that they are there. The filters that enforce Cyber Law regulations may not be regulated by any specific law that is written in stone, but the assumption o
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Spam Mails on egreeting cards
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There's a new scam targeting the elderly that may shock you. If you've got an aging parent, it's imperative that you know how to take precautions. In this scam, the crooks actually take guardianship of your parents. And once this one happens, you los
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Review of the Waiora Income Opportunity
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I will admit I was getting a little worried about the recently nixed Fox interview with O.J. Simpson as well as Judith Regan's decision to publish his book.
The short lived media frenzy regarding the O.J. Simpson book, If I Did It, as well as Judit
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The recent debate over illegal immigration in America has generated a lot of talk about freedom. Political pundits have taken center stage on nightly news programs to champion reasons for and against why illegal immigrants should enjoy the same freed
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Does any of this sound familiar? You get so much spam that you have to keep your finger on the delete button whenever you check your email. Then you inevitably erase the one or two important messages that you really needed to see, so you have to sift
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Issues with organ transplant in China, Pakistan and India
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The news today may have been historic. As an earlier brilliant light of early America, Emerson noted while he and his friend Thoreau would read and discuss the ideas of the ages, others would shout loudly about another train derailment. Or there was
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Kimberly is a businesswoman for a large corporation she deals with some of the companys most important clients. She handles very lucrative contracts and is responsible for sensitive information. The companys ability to keep up with and exceed its com
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free mammogram scam
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Fake Check and Money Order for Hay Purchase
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A Review of the Warm Spirit Income Opportunity
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Here's How to Catch a Cheater! Find Out if Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Spouse is a Cheater!
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There are many good ways to make extra money online, but one way that stands out, at this time in internet history, is affiliate marketing.
In affiliate marketing, you search for and join an excellent affiliate program, and essentially help your me
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Another dying woman wants to donate money
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If you are getting involved in the world of network marketing, one thing that you know you need is good information Good information is surprisingly hard to come by on the internet and sometimes it s
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Is this a Scam - EZ Wealth Solution
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With an estimated 175 billion users online, and with 90 percent of those being search engine users, website marketing is more crucial to your business than ever before. The main goal is getting those visitors to your website and, once there, getting
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You may have heard it said, many times, that there is money to be made on the Internet.
Indeed, there are millions of men and women who are making good money using the internet business route.
Yet, you also know that there are a lot of frauds o
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Those looking to work at home are among the people that are most likely to get scammed for a lot of money. This seems contrary to thought, as many prospective home entrepreneurs have little money to invest. However, it is this fact that actually driv
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Are you thinking about installing Hidden or Surveillance Cameras in your place of business? Many employers consider video and other surveillance key to keeping an honest and productive workplace. It keeps employees on the straight and narrow - no f
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get rich videos
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Is this a Scam: FreeAffiliateInsider.Com
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Grant Donation Scam
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Nothing says home to deployed military personnel like a care package. Filled with treats, necessities, and greetings, a care package can be a huge morale booster for those far from home - especially during the holidays. "Mail is one of the greatest m
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Think of the people who visit your site as blind dates. When you open the door, your blind date usually knows whether they are attracted to you within the first minute. How do they know? Easy. By how you look, what you say, and how you treat them. If
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If you are one of the majority of people who lack focus in your business then get yourself a network marketing mentor.You need to develop a long term mindset in network marketing.
On paper, it looks most appealing and it's the one mesmerizing aspe
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It is no longer uncommon to find a lot of individuals getting involved in scams and unscrupulous activities on the internet The Web is full of opportunistic entities who only intend to get a quick buc
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Your DHL Courier Company has $2.5million for YOU!
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There are millions of people logging onto the internet every day from around the world searching for the next big thing to make money online, promote their business and product. The question that needs to be asked before you even think about enterin
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Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? Five Signs to Help You Know
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I saw your profile.. and I want you(r money!)
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Social networks are websites like Facebook and Bebo which have become incredibly popular with kids, teens and adults all over the world They give you a great way of catching up with old friends or eve