Does anyone still bother to reply to such mails these days? I hope not.
But I believe some… the minority might just give it a try.
is sending using an Indian email address, but after you responded she
might be sending you some blonde girls’ pics with big boobs.
Unfortunately, in real life “She” might just be a “He” couch potato,
drinking a beer while sending out scam mails like this. Watch out!
There is no harm… in fact to reply. Just remember that the moment “She” asked for ANY money, or ANYTHING that might harm your wallet, be alert. It can be anything, from “my parent’s sick, I need $10,000”, or “its my birthday is next week, and I want that $5,000 diamond ring”, and blah.
Oh please, don’t fall for these.
—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Lilian Williams <lilian1net@yahoo.co.in>
To: lilian1net@yahoo.co.in
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:22:19 PM
Subject: Hello my dear
Hello my dear
name is miss lilian i saw your profile today at gumtree and i became
intrested in you,l will also like to know you more,and l want you to
mail me to my email address so that l can give you my picture . Here is
my email address(
lilian1net@yahoo.co.in ) I believe we can move from here! I am waiting
for your mail to my email address above. yours new friend lilian
(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot
in life).thanks from lilian..