This is one of the typical methods used by internet marketeer to sell their products:
1) In the front page,
Report: Ponzi Schemes
*A free look into the cheats!
Money Morning is a daily newsletter that delivers stock market news and investment advice from around the world every morning directly to your inbox…for free.
Enter Your email
2) So I entered my spare email address. The page says:
Welcome to Money Morning!
To read your report, Madoff, Dreier and Ponzi Schemes: How to Protect Yourself as Scams Go Global, just check your email box. It should arrive in the next 10 minutes.
… … …
P.S. Right now, some of our active readers are considering a unique opportunity recently uncovered by our researchers. It’s a micro-cap oil company that just discovered a $2.8 trillion oil reserve under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This “Tiny Texan” is one of the only companies in the world that has the drilling technology needed to bring this 40 billion barrel mother lode to market. Goldman and Barclays are already building positions in this stock, which has the potential for 46X returns. To see the full report, click here.
3) There you go, they couldn’t wait for me to check my email (which I wouldn’t) and so they provided an online version of the report instead. So why did they ask for my email address in the first place? (it reads “welcome to my spam database”)
4) I clicked the above and expected to see one, long page of “report”. Ofcourse, I didn’t read, but scroll down to the bottom to find the Order Form link. Bingo! There it is, Click.
–— Long Story here—–
P.S. Considering the urgency of this situation, we’ve also made your decision easier by lowering the subscription cost to just $49.50 – HALF OFF the normal price. And remember, if for any reason you’re not delighted, simply let us know within 45 days and receive a full refund. But keep everything you’ve received as our way of saying thanks for trying our research…
<![CDATA[// <![CDATA[
if (pub==undefined) {
document.write('ORDER NOW’);
else if(o== undefined) {
document.write(‘ORDER NOW’);
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document.write(‘ORDER NOW’);
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document.write(‘ORDER NOW’);
// ]]]]>]]>ORDER NOW
4) You have to go through all the sales and marketing talk just to pay $49.50 for a report on how to make more money and get richer. Even if you don’t buy it, he is happy to scam you out of your email address because the next time your email will be included in his marketing campaign. After going through this, I would not trust this pledge on the front page that says.
We will NEVER rent, sell or give away your e-mail address to anyone for any reason.
You can unsubscribe from Money Morning anytime with just a few clicks.
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated to this site and the links provided above are for your info only. We did not buy the report.