From Mr Michael Awo Thu Jun 7 04:01:11 2007
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Reply-To: michaelawo@caramail.com
From: “Mr Michael Awo” <mrawo_michael2@hotmail.com>
To: mrawo_michael2@hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 010 JUN 2007 11:01:11 +0000
Return-Path: mrawo_michael2@hotmail.com
From Desk of Mr Michael Awo.
Internal Auditor.Eco Bank Lome Togo.
Rue du Gouverneur Bayol,
01 BP 1280 – Lome Swift: ECOCBJJ
Telex : 539 ECOBANK
Compliments of the day.Forgive me the indignation you may feel if this
message comes to you as a surprise and may offend your personality for
contacting you without your prior consent and writing through this chanel.
I got your contact from a directory data. and hoping that you are a reliable
and honest person that will assist us claim this money overseas.
In a brief introduction, I am Mr Michael Awo, an internal auditor with a
finacial institution here in Lome-Togo. With due respect and regard, I am
contacting you on a business transaction that will be beneficial to both
parties at the end.
On May 2002, A customer to this Bank, Mr. Smith A. Govin, a national of your
country and expartriate oil consultant made a numbered time deposit of USD $
6.Million in the institution for 18 calendar months.
Unfortunately on February 2003, this client died in a ghastly auto crash
with his wife and their only daughter on their way to northern part of Togo.
Upon Maturity of the deposit, the fund was confined to a dormant status
where upon we made this discovery and further inquiries by me revealed that
he neither left a will nor a contactable next of kin or an extended relation
in his entire official document including his bank deposit information with
this bank.
It is standard practice that after the expiration of 5 years the funds will
be declared as an “unclaimed asset resource” and the account closed. My
contacting you hence is to allow your particulars to be forwarded to this
institution as the family member’s and next of Kin to our deceased customer
for the purpose of benefitting the content of the account.
All the arrangement to put claim over this fund has been perfected by me and
I will assist you on steps to follow.
Needless to say that the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous.
In return we demand your complete honesty and trust. Therefore this
transaction will be based on the following terms and condition as stated
1. Our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence.
2.That you will treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and
3. That you will not ask for more share than what is negotiated or try to
sit on the funds or indulge in any form of black mail once the funds is
under your custody.
4. That upon receipt of the funds, you will release and disburse 10% to
charity here and there then the remaining be shared by I and you in the
ratio 55/45%.
Remember that with my support, this transaction is risk free and will be
done under a legitimate arrangement that will protect us from the breach of
the law. We also hope to conclude this transaction within a short period of
time if you accord us your unalloyed support and co-operation.
As soon as you accept this condition and finally indicate interest in this
deal the first thing to do is to send your telephone number for voice
communication and further establishment of trust.
After this I will then guide you on other steps to follow. To further cement
our trust on you, we will demand for a written agreement or any other proof
of loyalty from you when you finally accept this offer.
Waiting eagerly to hear from you soonest.
Best Regards,
Mr Michael Awo.