After running through the scam mails over the months, we found dozens of scam submissions that should have been posted here at We have been busy for months, and this site was down for various reasons including just some backend hiccups just hours ago. If you had visited earlier, none of the links on our site works.

Thanks to everyone who submitted scam mails, leads and other related information. While we would try to post the most latest scams, we will also continue to run through the earlier submissions for publishing.

There has been great improvements eversince we started this anti-scam website… especially the scammers.]]> They have improved and never failed to impress us with their relentless effort to scam, such as this fine certificate of Yahoo Awards!:

Yahoo Awards Certificate

And this one too… it simply gets more and more convincing with each invention…

Fund Deposit Certificate

Man… one fine day… we are going to get a seminar or road show on this. WOW!
