This has been a rough year for me and updates have been slow. However, we are slowly changing from our posting of traditional “419 scams” to other scams. Yes, 419 scams are probably the most widespread scam known. The value of money lost in all 419 scams could have easily beat any Ponzi scams, etc. However, they are relatively common and easy to spot. Its a no brainer to spot such scams.
In the past, we have hoped that by posting more of such mails would help more people to be aware of 419 scams. As surfers get more savvy and experienced on the web, the possibly of such scams succeeding in future is expected to be lessened.
Do not quote us. We cannot foresee the future. What we can see is the number of 419 scams running around (on email) is killing itself. Its so widespread that many people would soon learn that this is a scam and pass it on to their friends. They don’t need us or any anti-scam websites. 🙂
This should be a blessing, if it does come true.
There are so many “Top 10 Scams of 2009” floating around, from BBB, newspapers ,etc. So we are not going to repeat that here. Just type the above at and you can find lots of other information.
There are always new scams but there are also old rules that will keep you safe from them.
1) There is no free lunch. There is no easy way to earn that few hundred thousand dollars from nowhere without any prior involvement.
2) Never believe in paying money, to get (more) money.
3) Do not pay out immediately after receiving a check from a stranger. Fake Check scams are widespread.
Don’t part with your cash so easily. Its difficult to earn that money, so don’t let scammers earn your money the easy way.
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