Watch out for charges on your credit cards for things that you did not buy. Recently, we received a report from a reader regarding similar scam. He received some goods at his home, and 3 charges on his credit card for things he did not buy. We are consolidating a report for publishing later this week.
There is another news about similar scam:
“The discovery of a mysterious charge on your credit-card or bank
statement is peculiarly unsettling because so much of our money comes
and goes as digits on a computer screen or a piece of paper. When we
see a weird charge, we rifle through wads of receipts, rack our
memories and immediately assume we’re being scammed.
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That happened to Doug Johnson of Minneapolis and Mary Ann Spurrier
of Maple Grove, Minn. The outcome for each was quite different, but
their experiences prove the value of vigilance.
Johnson, an
employee-benefits manager at a big consulting company, regularly looks
at his bank statement. Last month he saw a $2.29 charge, supposedly
from his debit card, for something called “Business Fund” in Las Vegas.
immediately called his bank, which gave him a toll-free number to the
“Business Fund.” It turned out to be a company peddling a CD-ROM with
information on making lots of money. That $2.29 charge was just a
precursor to much larger charges to come, his Web research showed.”