Do you remember the movie “Three Kings” starring George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg? Three Kings is about 4 U.S. soldiers attempting to steal Kuwaiti gold bullion from Saddam Hussein’s bunkers.
Now we have “similar” scams reportedly from rogue GIs in Iraq:
“…they explain how a purported U.S. serviceman has found tens of millions
of dollars in Iraq. Some of the e-mails claim that the funds were taken
from terrorists and insurgents who were using the money to buy bombs
and ammunition.”
Wow! Scams involving Iraq is not really new to our site. We have an article about Iraq scam here and a couple not-so-related articles if you search “Iraq” in the search box above. Now the military is reporting that scams of money transfer from rogue GI soldiers, but the police is quick to state that “The names of the alleged rogue servicemen used in the e-mails are
believed to be fabricated, and … don’t think
actual U.S. soldiers are involved in the scam.”
We believe that this analysis is correct based on our experience, as most scammers involved in the scam are not who they say they are. The more detail about who they are, the less likely it will be the truth. Why? Because scammers want to cover their tracks and not be traceable, just like hackers. Only stupid scammers will tell you their real identity in a fraud case.
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FBI issues warning about various internet scams
Warning is great for prevention… is there a “cure”? Where is Judge Dread?
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning the public about several
e-mail hoaxes that arrive looking like notices from the military,
endorsements for fake lotteries or even harmless greeting cards…”
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Scams is reaching Record Numbers!
Yeah, its has become the talk of every town..
Its nothing new, but a Sheriff said,
“You have so many more avenues to get information out. The internet of course is a huge avenue for these types of scams to operate. People receive an email. They’ll open it. They’ll look at it and [say] ‘you know, this sounds like a pretty good deal.“
We fully agree because this is exactly what we mean when we say that there will always be someone who may fall for the scam.