We have included a new page (Latest Hot Scams) with the list of scams that are making its current round on the internet. However, specific 419 scams are not detailed but covered in the daily articles section which we are trying our best to keep up. The “Hot Scams” would show new scams, whereas those that have been making its rounds forever are listed as “Ever Hot Scams”.

Also note that we try our best to publish your submissions at random but asap. We have noted the submissions and will plan our time to get them updated.

If you would like to have some fun]]> or play with the fire, please be careful. There are those who are familiar with dealing with scammers (e.g. our friends at 419eater.com), but they know what they are doing. Do whatever you like with those mails, except replying with any of your personal information. If you would like to read some jokes about dealing with scammers, please take a look at Scamorama.com.

Also note that we have updated our related links page (now called Anti-Scam Links) with more relevant sites, and will do so regularly. We also hope to recommend some other great sites here as and when we have reviewed them.

