]]>Hot Scam Specifications:
Scam Type: Job Scam
Fake Names: Georg Philomena, Laurence Gomer
Offer Type: Job Offer
Scammer Location: Claims to be Four-Soft.com
Scammer Email: IvyHernandezWU@gmail.com, gomer@four-soft.com(fake)
This email claiming to be a home-based job offer from four-soft.com is fake, because the actual company does not offer any home-based job abroad. The scammer used a fake email address from four-soft.com to send out the scam mail through an anonymous server.
Another giveaway is that the scammer asked the recipient to reply to them via the free email address from gmail. The email sender is also different from the sign-off in the email.
—–Original Message—–
From: georg philomena [mailto:gomer@four-soft.com]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007
Subject: Talented employees wanted. No investment is required in order to reach the financial success.
First and Primarily, we would kindly like to express our warmest greetings to you and your relatives and wish you all good health and happiness and more success in dealing. Our Worldwide Company is looking for new staff on various vacancies. We are by now for a long time in the market and now we recruit human resources to occupation from home.
Our Company Main center is located in United Kingdom with branches all over the world. Our greatest wish now is to enlarge our business scale to more countries, so we are advertising here in hope of cooperating with you all. We highly appreciate sincere and creative employers. You do not need to spend any sum of money and we do not ask you to provide us with your bank account number! We are occupied in completely officially authorized activity and working in our company you can achieve career growth at a permanent job.
We are seeking a highly motivated specialist, with experience of working with people. The position is home-based. We offer a part-time position with flexible working hours. And we would be happy to consider a full-time job share candidate.
The right individual will have good communication and interpersonal skills and some knowledge of marketing. Candidates must be able to keep on focused and motivated when working alone.
Thank you and we are looking forward to work together in long term basis with you all.
If you are interested in our vacancies, please feel free to contact us for further information.
The preference is given to employees with understanding of foreign languages. If you are interested please send next information to: IvyHernandezWU@gmail.com
1) Full name
2) Contact phone numbers
3) Languages
4) Part time job/Full time
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
laurence gomer