A man by the name of Hodgkinson was cheated by girls from Russia and Senegal in an online dating scam.
He borrowed a total of £16,000 from his elderly mother and remortgaged his home, just to pay for the Visa and Air tickets for the girls to visit UK. They never arrive after promising several dates, and the elderly mom has to get loans to help clear the debts.
In either case, whether or not the girls arrive or not, Hodgkinson’s mother still need to take out loans to clear the debt. We don’t think the girls would need any cash from Hodgkinson if they were rich. So in fact, the elderly mom will be in even greater debt should the girls really arrive. Here comes the devil:
“Oh… that diamond is so so pretty… preease buyee for me…”
“Oh… that dress is so nice…. preeeease buyeee for me…”
“Oh… Oh… Oh…”
You can guess who will be saying “Ouch… Ouch… Ouch…”
The rule for long distance online dating is: never pay anything for them to travel to your country. If they love you, they will find their way and means.