We hope that this video remains on YouTube.
The victim sent money to her lover in Nigeria (of all places, why believe anyone here?) several times and even received a fake check.
The commentor also mentioned that it is impossible to recover money from Nigeria because the government there isn’t cooperative. They probably earn pay from tax-payers, who in turn earn their money through online scams.
And checkout a FBI agent(fortunately, he is black, no racism allowed here) talking about Nigeria scammers, saying that they might have a school that teaches the people how to scam people in US and Europe. More than $183million have been lost!
Who knows, there might be a University degree in Nigeria, such as Bachelor of Scam (Honours) or phD in Social Engineering (aka Scamming). They probably celebrate their winnings in the Annual Scammer Award, where the top scammer gets to go on stage receive a prize and give a heart-warming speech.
Why was she scammed? How could she have fallen into such a scam? What was she thinking? Check it out!