Not all job scams are related to money laundering. A scammer may offer
a job to you for helping to re-ship items delivered to your home. You
would think that this job is easy money, until the police knocks on
your door. The scammer has used stolen credit cards to order those
goods, and you are now a suspect in this crime.

Even an experienced police officer can fall for the scam.

53-year-old law enforcement official yesterday described how he lost
$3,000 in an embarrassing scam. The official, who requested anonymity,
was contacted by a scammer who saw his resume online and offered to pay
him $150 a week to re-ship items sent to his home. The items turned out
to have been bought with a stolen credit card – and he was on the hook
for the money owed to an online bill-pay agency.”

If you are offered a job of the same nature, think twice again. Why would anyone need you to help them re-ship items? Is the employer an established company and even so, why would an established company seek a freelancer like you to work from your home to receive and resend parcels?

Becareful when you help others to transfer goods. It is just like the common terrorist threat, where someone would ask you to help them carry a package on board a plane to pass to someone else. If you are unclear about what is in the package, and the source of the package, never help to “carry” or “transfer” them.