A new scam using the name of “Guinness” with a prize award of more than $800k. This time, they provided a new reason of how you are selected, based on your IP address(!?). How did they know an IP address based on an email address, unless they mean the whois information of the email domain. What if it is a free email address from Yahoo?
It is quite puzzling when there are still people hoping that such emails “might be” real. Isn’t it obvious that there were NEVER a REAL lottery on earth ever issued based on selection of your email (or BS IP address). If such lottery exists, it would be on the official news… and not some crappy email from @hotmail and redirecting to @yahoo.co.uk.
Information for the FBI and police is attached:
———-Attachment – Christmas Eve Scam————
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Diageo Ireland
P.O. Box 1759
Co. Kerry
Notification Centre.
Ireland/United Kingdom.
Date: 24 December 2006
All Contact Address:
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marriage status:
Next of kin:
Date of birth:
Overseas Claims Unit/ London Branch 7.
Name: Dr. Maxwell Anderson
Email: dr_maxwelljosephanderson@yahoo.co.uk
Tell: +44 871 504 5561
Note: on your contact with Dr. Maxwell Anderson, you are to request from him, his drivers license or international passport for facial identification on your own part, to verify that you are dealing with the assigned Redeem Manger as advised. Also you are to quote your E-code Number to the redeem manager on your contacting him.
Rev. Wilton Bour
G. Manager (Notification Department)