This Taiwanese scammer doesn’t sound “chinese”, as he cannot even get the names correct.
Is he Mr Huang, Huan, or Shong Hua…!?
The names seemed to get shorter…
Another 419 scam, the money and story is fake!
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: MR HUANG <mrhuang0001@yahoo.com.tw>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 6:58 AM
I know the internet is not the best way to contact you but i am
constrain to reach you through this means.
I am Mr.Shong Hua, an Auditor with Bank of Taiwan. Prior to my
Auditing with Bank of Taiwan, i discovered that huge Interest has
been made from Dividends being held in the bank. The accumulated
interest of 23 million USD is presently a Recurrent Asset in the bank
and it will be forfeited if it is not transferred urgently.
Most Dividends Warrant usually accrue interest while they are being
held in the bank and this is not always noticed by the bank.
If you are familiar with Banking Affairs, you will realise that the
Banking Sector is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy
certain portfolios and offices. I am privileged to know about this
money as an Auditor but i cannot established direct Claim due to my
position in the bank.
Presently i am securing the release of the money as accumulated
dividends made from Shares already accrued to be transferred to
the Share Holder’s Account in our affiliate bank in UK.
My Bank will immediately release the accumulated interest to the
Share Holder’s Account in UK inline with the informations available.
I wish to establish you as the Account Holder so that the fund can be
transferred to your Account. Please do not contact me via official
channels because i will deny knowing you. I will always call you and
please contact me only through the email below.
I have wife and children and i am sending this message not without
a measure of fear as to what the consequences may be, but I know
nothing ventured is nothing gained and success and riches never come
easy on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned.
Do not betray my confidence. Please reply to my private Email:
Yours Sincerely,