What is organic search engine optimization? Well, basically organic search engine optimization deals with on and off page alterations that you put in place on your webpage so that they search engine will pick up your webpage before they pick up someone else’s. Search engine optimization or SEO is essentially a web-based tool that allows your website to get a higher listing in the search engines.

It is a well-known fact that the average surfer going through the listings of a search engine, generally speaking focuses mainly on the first page and rarely goes beyond the second day. It is essential therefore to get on the first page if you’re going to have any success with your website.

It is also a well-known fact that the average individual surfing the web with a search engine prefers using the main search engine listings as opposed to the pay per click or sponsored listings that you find on the right-hand side of the search engine page. Studies have shown that as many as 70% of search engine users will use these so-called organic listings over anything else.

The difference between organic listings and pay per click advertisement listings is very large. Pay per click requires a direct cash outlay to the respective search engine to get that listing. It costs money and sometimes a great deal of money to be placed where a financial return can be had, i.e. on the first page of Google. On the other hand the organic listing is in itself free but requires a great deal more work on the side of the webmaster. This could be seen as a distinct disadvantage but, because it is the preferred listing of the majority of those that use search engines the benefits could be much greater.

Preparing a website with proper SEO can be time consuming. The overall focus is on the use of keywords and these keywords need to be in specific places and given specific emphasis both on and off page. Add to this that the keywords that you focus on need to be researched according to their popularity and competition in the search engines. For instance, if you choose a specific keyword that nobody asks for in the search engines than you won’t be seen because nobody is looking for the word in their search. Alternately, if you choose a set of keywords that are very popular it could be that many many other sites are doing the same thing and you will get lost in the competition. There is a fine line to be hit and it can be a bit of an art.

After all, it must be said that when properly done and properly researched the benefits can be great and a lot of traffic can be generated. It’s not hard to do, and it’s not rocket science but it does take a little bit of patients and research. When done properly it is well worth the effort.