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scam,scams,hot scams,western union
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Most authorities agree that there is room for improvement in business ethics. One of the most problematic questions raised in relation to business ethics is whether or not businesses can become more ethical in the real world. The majority opinion on
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How to tell if a jade is real or fake
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You may think that thousands of people are flocking online daily to seek out their rightful place among Internet marketing giants who have created a virtual empire of passive profits.But while they may be looking into it, many prospective Internet ma
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Shopping for pirated CD at Pantip Plaza
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Using White Paper as Cash
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The chaos of the global jihad has come to the streets of Western Europe.
European cities that have stood for centuries have been rocked by wide spread violence. The children of immigrants who came to Europe post World War II as part of guest worker
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There appears to be some some interesting stuffs in the email headers, for FBI, police etc etc whoever this may concern.The email links in the screen capture goes to the following site:
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by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams
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419 Scam: About the HSBC Bank Auditor
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Many people enter the online world hoping to make an income online for them-selves, either and additional income or just to supplement their current job.
But if you're new to all this, were do you start. Well the simplest of ideas are usually the be
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams
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This news was dug out sometime in June 06 last year. A woman by the name of Mary Winkler killer her husband, after an argument over money lost in a 419 scam. Note this important paragraph here:"In some versions of the scam, con artists
send their vi
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
"Should we go for 419 inheritance scam? Nah... Lottery scam.... no...? Maybe today its time for commercial scam... fake contract...? hmmm not too good either. AH HUH! What the heck, lets put all in, and one should work!" So here goes:
The British Pri
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418 Scam: Earthquake Victims
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Have been busy lately, but we still need to educate our visitors once a while on how to spot a scam (lol):
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When did cell phone companies get the idea that making things difficult for their customers was a good idea?
Here are just a few examples of where they went wrong:
* Having two year contracts, and extending them at every opportunity. If you have to
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A beautiful woman can inspire a person to do just about anything. But it is their heart that reveals the character of the person. Beware she can capture you through lies of love. She can be an instrument of Satan who wants to deceive you and lead
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In a recent article by Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars, she writes: "You keep up with the news. Poof! You are the "knowledgeable American" who can amaze and entertain friends by giving savvy, sage comments about world events. Right? Could an Iraqi citizen say
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Counterfeit money is an uncommon yet unfortunate reality. The chances of receiving counterfeit dollar bills are very small, but not impossible. Many incidents have been reported of people unknowingly getting fake money from Automated Teller Machines
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single russian women scam
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How to scam and get a free meal in a restaurant
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national city phishing scam
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pet scams
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There seems to be some confusion between patriotism and common sense lately. This is what most nationalistic movements bank on. No one should speak up with the voice of reason; if you do, you will be shouted down, called a coward, and publicly shamed
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Fake Identity Scam Warning
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What are computer viruses? Many computer users would find it hard to answer that question. In fact the definition of a virus has nothing to do with what terrible damage it may inflict on your computer. It is just a question of how it spreads. A virus
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In a recent article by Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars, she writes: "There has been much talk recently over whether or not Iraq has fallen into a state of civil war. If this talk is true, then the question of who is to blame for the violence has a simple answ
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This does not mean that planning would be somehow out of use, when you think internet business ideas. No not at all. A good plan is very, very important.
My target by this article is to help you in the thinking process to create some thoughts for t
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Sgt. Stanley Found Money In Iraq
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Fake Game Machine - Watch out for this Scam!
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More and more people are becoming victims of identity theft every day because they do not have the knowledge of what it is and how it happens. People who have been the victims of identity theft can have their credit ruined and in the long run have pr
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tatyana love letter scam
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A "Titanic" Dating Scam!
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russian love scams
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The amount of information on the Internet is remarkable. With a simple Google search, you can uncover hundreds of potential websites on just about any subject. Many people are interested in adding to the wealth of information on the Internet by creat
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How to shop for free!
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Currently, there are thousands of online enthusiasts who are taking the plunge and joining the community of affiliate marketers. With e-commerce booming, and the internet dominating the business world, becoming an affiliate marketer can be a very wis
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stock promotion scam
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Some Cyber Laws pertain to the communication devices such as cellular telephones and the areas of the Internet that allow people to talk openly about any topic. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Americans to feel comfortable with expressing t
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cowboy scam
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This news to China is another diamond of the moral lessons from God or pure living, or Buddha himself. The way we live, is the way we die. Buddha had a following not because what he said, but how he lived such a holy serene life as no other holy man
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Have you begun to make out your Christmas shopping list yet? it is early yet you say? True, but it is never too early to begin shopping for your loved ones. Do you have a fisherman in your family? A scrap booker? A quilter? Children to shop for?
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Austin is a thirty five year old tow truck driver in a midsize city. His job brings him in contact with all kinds of people. He enjoys his work. It provides a good living for his family and he gets the chance to help people. Calls for his service can
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More than a year ago, an internet spammer called Peter
Francis-Macrae (aka Weaselboy) was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
for offering domain names which he does not own. He had used spams to
trick victims into paying him to register for new Eur
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Even those who don't use the internet have heard of ebay by now; and anyone interested in cars or vehicles of any kind should by now have heard of ebay motors. Just as Ebay made the weekly search of newspaper classified ads and free listings magazine
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For most people with the internet, the local news just doesn't cut it for us anymore. We want personal, in depth stories that most local news broadcasts aren't willing to cover. Or maybe you like knowing what's going on locally but you hate having to
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Dr. Eric Kaplan, author of Dying to Be Young says, People need to know what Botox is. Botox was actually derived from Botulinum Toxin which was originally a bio-weapon.
Just like the seven million other Americans who received Botox injections las
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If you're planning on hiring a Web design firm or freelancer to build you a new business website, then you ought to read this article before you make the hire. One key concept that many would-be entrepreneurs and business people miss is understanding
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Star Bucks do not send their coffee to Iraq because...
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One of the biggest misconceptions in the world is that we live in a world of lack. You hear it all the time. There isn't enough money, there isn't enough oil, there isn't enough natural resources, there isn't enough land. On the contrary, there is
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In a recent article by Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars, she writes: "You keep up with the news. Poof! You are the "knowledgeable American" who can amaze and entertain friends by giving savvy, sage comments about world events. Right? Could an Iraqi citizen say
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Phone books are no longer resorted to when one urgently needs information. Sure, there was the time when my husband left the toilet paper roll on the floor, directly below the waiting empty roll, for the 74th time in a row. But for its actual aim of
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identify theft scam using society security numbers from trusted people
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michael awo scam email 419 scam
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A Review of the the Xango Income Opportunity
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A Scam about Ordering and Pickup
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419 Scam: Mother Jane Cole Wants to Build an Orphanage
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Tonight after work, while you are lazily surfing the internet from the comfort of your favorite chair, whisky in hand, pondering over how technology has made your life oh so simple, a cunning new criminal on the other side of the information highway
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419 Scam: Peter Lee Chang has $25.5million dollar Business Project
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on the internet - lottery scam, inheritance scam, pet scam, lover scam, phishing scam, commercial scam, job scam and more scams
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Hot Scams Warning: Urgent response to this email will cause heart failure. -----Attached-----From: lee liu <>Subject: URGENT RESPONSEDate: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:56 AMI am Lee Liu,an attorney at law.A deceased client of mi
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
Fake Name: Mr HuangOffer Type: Money TransferTransfer Amount: $23 million USDStoryline: Found extra cash in the bank!? You want it?Location: Claims to be TaiwanScammer Email:
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How to spot a Job Scam
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Anti-Scam Guide, revent Email Scams Involving Money and Cash Transfers, Prevent Scams posted on Classifieds, Auctions, Ebays, Craigslist, Prevent Romance Scams posted on, and all social networking websites, Prevent Job Scams, Mystery Shopper Scam, Anti-Phishing Guidelines,
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A scammer impersonating as a consultant working with the Swiss Bank claims that he has found $232million during one of his audit.
So he wrote,"Sometimes a person will open a bank account, deposit money, and then disappear into the tin (thin) air. Ba
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
Wow Wow Wow! I got this!
"I am a Chief Internal Auditor at AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK of South Africa (AMEX SA). I am writing to seek your cooperation over business deal. In my Department, I discovered an abandoned sum of (US$35.7Million). In an account t
by Anti-Scammer | Anti-Scam Articles, Knowledge Sharing
There are many people who has been scammed after sending money to a scammer through Western Union. This report explains some of the warnings further.
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I and two other colleagues are currently in need of a silent foreign partner whose bank account we can use to transfer the sum of
Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S. dollars. This fund accrued legitimately to us as commission from foreign contracts, through our private connections. The fund is presently waiting to be remitted through an offshore funds manager to any overseas beneficiary confirmed by us as associate/receiver. By virtue of our positions as civil servants in my country, we cannot acquire this money in our names.
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
Fake Name: Mamoud SalifOffer Type: Money TransferTransfer Amount: $22.5 million onlyStoryline: A rich agricultural equipment supplier died in an aircrash. The scammer is asking you to act as the Next-of-Kin and receive the funds. Location: Claims t
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The point of being online anymore, isint about just checking your email, there are millions if not billions of people making money online every single day. How do they do it? What steps are they taking? What do you need to know in order to make mon
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In a recent article, Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars writes, "American citizens receive many images about the war/occupation in Iraq on a daily basis. These images are presented to citizens through various mediums in print, radio, and in television. These medi
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On February 14th, a manufactured day devoted to romantic love, Wall Street wasn't interested or feeling any good vibes: The Dow, as well as most of the other major stock markets around the world, finished down on recession fears. Why so spooked? For
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It seems when first looking to start an Internet business everyone seems to deal with the same problem "Information overload." This is one of the reasons that people fail when trying to start an Internet business. When you start an Internet business,
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419 Scams: Donation to the "Ministry of GOD"
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
419 Scams: Wow! The "Governor" owes you $10million
by Anti-Scammer | Anti-Scam Articles
I know that the subject “Fuck the Scammers” does not sound nice and professional. It is vulgarity. The fact is that, we know that there are many people who were scammed or who had a near-miss. This is not a joke, as it is not funny. Although no life was...
by Anti-Scammer | 419 Scams, Anti-Scam Articles
Fake Name: Mr Kojo William WoodOffer Type: Money TransferTransfer Amount: $23 million USDStoryline: 55-year old (fake) honest banker looking for an honest partner to steal dead people's money from the Ghana Commercial Bank... super moron... Loca...
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Blogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news a
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